Tuesday, October 31, 2006

When you wanna get down...

Cocaine. A dangerously addictive drug... and an energy drink? That's right, but not for long. The relatively new energy drink, "Cocaine," was pulled off the shelves at 7-11 late last week after an uproar from parents claiming the drink "glamorizes illegal drugs."

I say who cares what it's called, it's the caffeine that's killing us, not the name. I recently saw this video on MSNBC. The story says this popular array of energy drinks contains three to FOUR times the amount of caffeine found in a regular coffee drink. It's ridiculous, this stuff is a drug and there's NO limit to how much can be sold.

Teens and young adults tend to be turning to caffeine more and more when they just don't have time for sleep. Completely unhealthy, and not very smart, the consumption of these energy drinks has seen an insane growth in popularity over the past year alone. What is it that makes us crave this stuff? Is the the caffeine alone, or the image that comes along with a hard, fast-paced, party-filled life?

Most energy drink companies name their products accordingly, Rockstar, Monster, Superman, No Fear, and now Cocaine.

One thing's for sure though, without my daily dose of caffeine, there would most definitely be days I wouldn't make it out of bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So energy drinks may seem bad, but really they dont give me anymore energy then I normally have. The name cocaine is just a name. It does not show off the drug because its a drink. Parents are so rediculous. This name will not add more advertisment for drugs then there already has. Get over it and let them keep the drink. Its a DRINK not drugs and anyone sensible should realize that.